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Section: Research Program

Programming languages: design, formalization, implementation

Like all languages, programming languages are the media by which thoughts (software designs) are communicated (development), acted upon (program execution), and reasoned upon (validation). The choice of adequate programming languages has a tremendous impact on software quality. By “adequate”, we mean in particular the following four aspects of programming languages:

Our research work in language design and implementation centers on the statically-typed functional programming paradigm, which scores high on safety, expressiveness and formal semantics, complemented with full imperative features and objects for additional expressiveness, and modules and classes for compositionality. The OCaml language and system embodies many of our earlier results in this area [45]. Through collaborations, we also gained experience with several domain-specific languages based on a functional core, including distributed programming (JoCaml), XML processing (XDuce, CDuce), reactive functional programming, and hardware modeling.